¥Render Layers
PixiJS 层 API 指南
¥PixiJS Layer API Guide
PixiJS Layer API 提供了一种强大的方法来控制对象的渲染顺序,而不受场景图中逻辑父子关系的影响。使用 RenderLayers,你可以将对象的转换方式(通过其逻辑父级)与它们在屏幕上的可视化绘制方式分离开来。
¥The PixiJS Layer API provides a powerful way to control the rendering order of objects independently of their logical parent-child relationships in the scene graph. With RenderLayers, you can decouple how objects are transformed (via their logical parent) from how they are visually drawn on the screen.
使用 RenderLayers 可确保这些元素在视觉上具有优先级,同时保持逻辑上的父子关系。示例包括:
¥Using RenderLayers ensures these elements are visually prioritized while maintaining logical parent-child relationships. Examples include:
¥A character with a health bar: Ensure the health bar always appears on top of the world, even if the character moves behind an object.
UI 元素,如分数计数器或通知:无论游戏世界的复杂程度如何,都让它们保持可见。
¥UI elements like score counters or notifications: Keep them visible regardless of the game world’s complexity.
教程中的高亮元素:想象一下,在一个教程中,你需要在高亮特定对象的同时推回大多数游戏元素。RenderLayers 可以直观地拆分这些。高亮的对象可以放置在前景图层中,以在推回图层上方进行渲染。
¥Highlighting Elements in Tutorials: Imagine a tutorial where you need to push back most game elements while highlighting a specific object. RenderLayers can split these visually. The highlighted object can be placed in a foreground layer to be rendered above a push back layer.
本指南解释了关键概念,提供了实际示例,并强调了常见的陷阱,以帮助你有效地使用 Layer API。
¥This guide explains the key concepts, provides practical examples, and highlights common gotchas to help you use the Layer API effectively.
¥Key Concepts
¥Independent Rendering Order:
RenderLayers 允许独立于逻辑层次结构控制绘制顺序,确保对象按所需顺序渲染。
¥RenderLayers allow control of the draw order independently of the logical hierarchy, ensuring objects are rendered in the desired order.
¥Logical Parenting Stays Intact:
即使附加到 RenderLayers,对象也会从其逻辑父级保持变换(例如,位置、比例、旋转)。
¥Objects maintain transformations (e.g., position, scale, rotation) from their logical parent, even when attached to RenderLayers.
¥Explicit Object Management:
¥Objects must be manually reassigned to a layer after being removed from the scene graph or layer, ensuring deliberate control over rendering.
¥Dynamic Sorting:
动态重新排序对象,以细粒度控制渲染顺序。¥Within layers, objects can be dynamically reordered using
for fine-grained control of rendering order.
基本 API 使用
¥Basic API Usage
¥First lets create two items that we want to render, red guy and blue guy.
const redGuy = new PIXI.Sprite('red guy');
redGuy.tint = 0xff0000;
const blueGuy = new PIXI.Sprite('blue guy');
blueGuy.tint = 0x0000ff;
stage.addChild(redGuy, blueGuy);
现在我们知道红色人将首先被渲染,然后是蓝色人。现在在这个简单的例子中,你只需对红色人和蓝色人的 zIndex
¥Now we know that red guy will be rendered first, then blue guy. Now in this simple example you could get away with just sorting the zIndex
of the red guy and blue guy to help reorder.
¥But this is a guide about render layers, so lets create one of those.
使用 renderLayer.attach
¥Use renderLayer.attach
to assign an object to a layer. This overrides the object’s default render order defined by its logical parent.
// a layer..
const layer = new RenderLayer();
¥So now our scene graph order is:
|- stage
|-- redGuy
|-- blueGuy
|-- layer
¥And our render order is:
|- stage
|-- blueGuy
|-- layer
|-- redGuy
¥This happens because the layer is now the last child in the stage. Since the red guy is attached to the layer, it will be rendered at the layer's position in the scene graph. However, it still logically remains in the same place in the scene hierarchy.
现在让我们从图层中删除红色人。要阻止对象在图层中渲染,请使用 removeFromLayer
¥Now let's remove the red guy from the layer. To stop an object from being rendered in a layer, use removeFromLayer
. Once removed from the layer, its still going to be in the scene graph, and will be rendered in its scene graph order.
layer.detach(redGuy); // Stop rendering the rect via the layer
¥Removing an object from its logical parent (removeChild
) automatically removes it from the layer.
stage.removeChild(redGuy); // if the red guy was removed from the stage, it will also be removed from the layer
¥However, if you remove the red guy from the stage and then add it back to the stage, it will not be added to the layer again.
// add red guy to his original position
stage.addChildAt(redGuy, 0);
¥You will need to reattach it to the layer yourself.
layer.attach(redGuy); // re attach it to the layer again!
这看起来很麻烦,但实际上是一件好事。这意味着你可以完全控制对象的渲染顺序,并且可以随时更改它。这也意味着你不会意外将对象添加到容器中,并让它自动重新附加到可能仍然存在也可能不存在的层 - 这会相当混乱,并导致一些很难调试的错误!
¥This may seem like a pain, but it's actually a good thing. It means that you have full control over the render order of the object, and you can change it at any time. It also means you can't accidentally add an object to a container and have it automatically re-attach to a layer that may or may not still be around - it would be quite confusing and lead to some very hard to debug bugs!
¥The layer’s position in the scene graph determines its render priority relative to other layers and objects.
// reparent the layer to render first in the stage
stage.addChildAt(layer, 0);
¥Complete Example
这是一个真实的例子,展示了如何使用 RenderLayers 将 ap 播放器 ui 设置在世界之巅。
¥Here’s a real-world example that shows how to use RenderLayers to set ap player ui on top of the world.
¥Gotchas and Things to Watch Out For
¥Manual Reassignment:
¥When an object is re-added to a logical parent, it does not automatically reassociate with its previous layer. Always reassign the object to the layer explicitly.
¥Nested Children:
¥If you remove a parent container, all its children are automatically removed from layers. Be cautious with complex hierarchies.
¥Sorting Within Layers:
属性动态排序。这对于细粒度控制渲染顺序很有用。¥Objects in a layer can be sorted dynamically using their
property. This is useful for fine-grained control of render order.
rect.zIndex = 10; // Higher values render later
layer.sortableChildren = true; // Enable sorting
layer.sortRenderLayerChildren(); // Apply the sorting -
¥Layer Overlap:
¥If multiple layers overlap, their order in the scene graph determines the render priority. Ensure the layering logic aligns with your desired visual output.
¥Best Practices
¥Group Strategically: Minimize the number of layers to optimize performance.
¥Use for Visual Clarity: Reserve layers for objects that need explicit control over render order.
¥Test Dynamic Changes: Verify that adding, removing, or reassigning objects to layers behaves as expected in your specific scene setup.
通过理解和有效利用 RenderLayers,你可以精确控制场景的视觉渲染,同时保持干净、合乎逻辑的层次结构。
¥By understanding and leveraging RenderLayers effectively, you can achieve precise control over your scene's visual presentation while maintaining a clean and logical hierarchy.