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Texture Rotate

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ resizeTo: window });


PIXI.Assets.load('').then((texture) =>
// create rotated textures
const textures = [texture];
const D8 = PIXI.groupD8;

for (let rotate = 1; rotate < 16; rotate++)
const h = D8.isVertical(rotate) ? texture.frame.width : texture.frame.height;
const w = D8.isVertical(rotate) ? texture.frame.height : texture.frame.width;

const { frame } = texture;
const crop = new PIXI.Rectangle(texture.frame.x, texture.frame.y, w, h);
const trim = crop;
let rotatedTexture;

if (rotate % 2 === 0)
rotatedTexture = new PIXI.Texture(texture.baseTexture, frame, crop, trim, rotate);
// HACK to avoid exception
// PIXI doesnt like diamond-shaped UVs, because they are different in canvas and webgl
rotatedTexture = new PIXI.Texture(texture.baseTexture, frame, crop, trim, rotate - 1);

const offsetX = app.screen.width / 16 | 0;
const offsetY = app.screen.height / 8 | 0;
const gridW = app.screen.width / 4 | 0;
const gridH = app.screen.height / 5 | 0;

// normal rotations and mirrors
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
// create a new Sprite using rotated texture
const dude = new PIXI.Sprite(textures[i < 8 ? i * 2 : (i - 8) * 2 + 1]);

dude.scale.x = 0.5;
dude.scale.y = 0.5;
// show it in grid
dude.x = offsetX + gridW * (i % 4);
dude.y = offsetY + gridH * (i / 4 | 0);
const text = new PIXI.Text(`rotate = ${dude.texture.rotate}`, {
fontFamily: 'Courier New', fontSize: '12px', fill: 'white', align: 'left',

text.x = dude.x;
text.y = dude.y - 20;