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Textured Mesh Basic

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ resizeTo: window });


let count = 0;

// build a rope!
const ropeLength = 918 / 20;

const points = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++)
points.push(new PIXI.Point(i * ropeLength, 0));

const strip = new PIXI.SimpleRope(PIXI.Texture.from(''), points);

strip.x = -459;

const snakeContainer = new PIXI.Container();

snakeContainer.x = 400;
snakeContainer.y = 300;

snakeContainer.scale.set(800 / 1100);


app.ticker.add(() =>
count += 0.1;

// make the snake
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
points[i].y = Math.sin((i * 0.5) + count) * 30;
points[i].x = i * ropeLength + Math.cos((i * 0.3) + count) * 20;