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升级 PixiJS

PixiJS 内部使用了大量的 peerDependencies 来定义包之间的关系。 由于 npm 在冲突/升级时如何解析对等(例如 #8382#8268#8144#7209),这会产生不可预测的错误。

英:PixiJS uses a lot of peerDependencies internally to define the relationship between packages. This has created unpredictable errors because of how npm resolves peers when bumping/upgrading (e.g., #8382, #8268, #8144, #7209).

当你使用 npm 进行升级时,请完全卸载,而不是仅仅更改 package.json 中的版本:

英:When you're upgrading using npm please completely uninstall instead of just changing the version in your package.json:

npm uninstall pixi.js
npm install pixi.js

如果你正在使用任何 PixiJS 社区插件,请确保也卸载它们:

英:If you are using any PixiJS community plugins, please make sure to uninstall those too:

npm uninstall pixi.js @pixi/particle-emitter @pixi/sound
npm install pixi.js @pixi/particle-emitter @pixi/sound