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import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ background: '#1099bb', resizeTo: window });


// Add the assets to load
PIXI.Assets.add('flowerTop', '');
PIXI.Assets.add('eggHead', '');

// Allow the assets to load in the background
PIXI.Assets.backgroundLoad(['flowerTop', 'eggHead']);

// If the background load hasn't loaded this asset yet, calling load forces this asset to load now.
PIXI.Assets.load('eggHead').then((texture) =>
// auxiliar flag for toggling the texture
let isEggHead = true;

// create a new Sprite from the resolved loaded texture
const character = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);

character.x = app.screen.width / 2;
character.y = app.screen.height / 2;
character.eventMode = 'static';
character.cursor = 'pointer';


character.on('pointertap', async () =>
isEggHead = !isEggHead;
// These promise are already resolved in the cache.
character.texture = await PIXI.Assets.load(isEggHead ? 'eggHead' : 'flowerTop');