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import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ resizeTo: window });


// holder to store the aliens
const aliens = [];

const totalDudes = 20;

for (let i = 0; i < totalDudes; i++)
// create a new Sprite that uses the image name that we just generated as its source
const dude = PIXI.Sprite.from('');

// set the anchor point so the texture is centered on the sprite

// set a random scale for the dude - no point them all being the same size!
dude.scale.set(0.8 + Math.random() * 0.3);

// finally lets set the dude to be at a random position..
dude.x = Math.random() * app.screen.width;
dude.y = Math.random() * app.screen.height;

dude.tint = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF;

// create some extra properties that will control movement :
// create a random direction in radians. This is a number between 0 and PI*2 which is the equivalent of 0 - 360 degrees
dude.direction = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;

// this number will be used to modify the direction of the dude over time
dude.turningSpeed = Math.random() - 0.8;

// create a random speed for the dude between 2 - 4
dude.speed = 2 + Math.random() * 2;

// finally we push the dude into the aliens array so it it can be easily accessed later


// create a bounding box for the little dudes
const dudeBoundsPadding = 100;
const dudeBounds = new PIXI.Rectangle(-dudeBoundsPadding,
app.screen.width + dudeBoundsPadding * 2,
app.screen.height + dudeBoundsPadding * 2);

app.ticker.add(() =>
// iterate through the dudes and update their position
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++)
const dude = aliens[i];

dude.direction += dude.turningSpeed * 0.01;
dude.x += Math.sin(dude.direction) * dude.speed;
dude.y += Math.cos(dude.direction) * dude.speed;
dude.rotation = -dude.direction - Math.PI / 2;

// wrap the dudes by testing their bounds...
if (dude.x < dudeBounds.x)
dude.x += dudeBounds.width;
else if (dude.x > dudeBounds.x + dudeBounds.width)
dude.x -= dudeBounds.width;

if (dude.y < dudeBounds.y)
dude.y += dudeBounds.height;
else if (dude.y > dudeBounds.y + dudeBounds.height)
dude.y -= dudeBounds.height;