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PixiJS 主要是一个渲染系统,但它也包括对交互性的支持。 向你的项目添加对鼠标和触摸事件的支持既简单又一致。

英:PixiJS is primarily a rendering system, but it also includes support for interactivity. Adding support for mouse and touch events to your project is simple and consistent.


从 v6 开始取代 InteractionManager 的新的基于事件的系统扩展了 DisplayObject 交互的定义。 至此,我们引入了 eventMode,它允许你控制对象如何响应交互事件。 这与 v6 中的 interactive 属性类似,但有更多选项。

英:The new event-based system that replaced InteractionManager from v6 has expanded the definition of what a DisplayObject means to be interactive. With this we have introduced eventMode which allows you to control how an object responds to interaction events. This is similar to the interactive property in v6 but with more options.

none忽略所有交互事件,类似于 CSS 的 pointer-events: none,对于非交互的子项有很好的优化
passive不触发事件并忽略对其自身的命中测试,但允许事件并仅对其交互式子项进行命中测试。 如果你想与 v6 兼容,请将其设置为默认 eventMode(请参阅渲染器、应用等中的选项)
auto不触发事件,但如果父级是交互式的,则进行命中测试。 与 v7 中的 interactive = false 相同
static触发事件并进行命中测试。 与 v7 中的 interaction = true 相同,对于像按钮这样不移动的对象很有用。
dynamic触发事件并进行命中测试,但也会接收从股票行情指示器激发的模拟交互事件,以允许在鼠标不移动时进行交互。 这对于独立移动或动画的元素非常有用。


PixiJS 支持以下事件类型:

英:PixiJS supports the following event types:

mousedown 当在显示对象上按下鼠标按钮时触发。
mousemove 当鼠标光标在显示对象上移动时触发。
mouseout 当鼠标光标移离显示对象时触发。
mouseover 当鼠标光标移动到显示对象上时触发。
mouseup 当在显示对象上释放鼠标按钮时触发。
mouseupoutside 当鼠标按钮在最初注册 mousedown 的显示对象之外释放时触发。
click 当在显示对象上单击(按下并释放)鼠标按钮时触发。
touchcancel 当触摸点被移出最初注册触摸启动的显示对象之外时触发。
touchend 当触摸点从显示对象中移除时触发。
touchendoutside 当触摸点被移出最初注册触摸启动的显示对象之外时触发。
touchmove 当触摸点沿着显示对象移动时触发。
touchstart 当触摸点放置在显示对象上时触发。
tap 当触摸点在显示对象上点击两次时触发。
wheel 当鼠标滚轮在显示对象上旋转时触发。
rightclick 当在显示对象上单击(按下并释放)鼠标右键时触发。
rightdown 在显示对象上按下鼠标右键时触发。
rightup 当在显示对象上释放鼠标右键时触发。
rightupoutside 当在最初注册 rightdown 的显示对象之外释放鼠标右键时触发。


任何 DisplayObject 派生对象(Sprite、Container 等)只需将其 eventMode 属性设置为上面列出的任何 eventMode 即可变得可交互。 这样做将导致对象发出可以响应的交互事件,以驱动项目的行为。

英:Any DisplayObject-derived object (Sprite, Container, etc.) can become interactive simply by setting its eventMode property to any of the eventModes listed above. Doing so will cause the object to emit interaction events that can be responded to in order to drive your project's behavior.

看看 交互示例代码

英:Check out the interaction example code.


英:To respond to clicks and taps, bind to the events fired on the object, like so:

let sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from('/some/texture.png');
sprite.on('pointerdown', (event) => { alert('clicked!'); });
sprite.eventMode = 'static';

查看 DisplayObject 以获取支持的交互事件列表。

英:Check out the DisplayObject for the list of interaction events supported.


你可以通过调用 isInteractive 属性来检查对象是否是交互式的。 如果 eventMode 设置为 staticdynamic,则返回 true。

英:You can check if an object is interactive by calling the isInteractive property. This will return true if eventMode is set to static or dynamic.

if (sprite.isInteractive()) {
// sprite is interactive


PixiJS 支持三种类型的交互事件 - 鼠标、触摸和指针。 鼠标事件由鼠标移动、单击等触发。触摸事件由支持触摸的设备触发。 两者都会触发指针事件。

英:PixiJS supports three types of interaction events - mouse, touch and pointer. Mouse events are fired by mouse movement, clicks etc. Touch events are fired for touch-capable devices. And pointer events are fired for both.

这意味着,在许多情况下,你可以编写项目来使用指针事件,并且它在与鼠标或触摸输入一起使用时才可以工作。 鉴于此,使用非指针事件的唯一原因是支持基于输入类型的不同操作模式或支持多点触摸交互。 在所有其他情况下,更喜欢指针事件。

英:What this means is that, in many cases, you can write your project to use pointer events and it will just work when used with either mouse or touch input. Given that, the only reason to use non-pointer events is to support different modes of operation based on input type or to support multi-touch interaction. In all other cases, prefer pointer events.


命中测试需要遍历完整的对象树,这在复杂的项目中可能成为优化瓶颈。 为了缓解这个问题,PixiJS 容器派生的对象有一个名为 interactiveChildren 的属性。 如果你有容器或其他具有复杂子树的对象,并且你知道这些对象永远不会交互,则可以将此属性设置为 false,命中测试算法将在检查悬停和单击事件时跳过这些子项。 举个例子,如果你正在构建一个横向滚动游戏,你可能希望为包含岩石、云彩、花朵等的背景层设置 background.interactiveChildren = false。由于不可点击的子对象的数量,这样做会大大加快命中测试的速度 背景层将包含。

英:Hit testing requires walking the full object tree, which in complex projects can become an optimization bottleneck. To mitigate this issue, PixiJS Container-derived objects have a property named interactiveChildren. If you have Containers or other objects with complex child trees that you know will never be interactive, you can set this property to false and the hit testing algorithm will skip those children when checking for hover and click events. As an example, if you were building a side-scrolling game, you would probably want to set background.interactiveChildren = false for your background layer with rocks, clouds, flowers, etc. Doing so would speed up hit testing substantially due to the number of unclickable child objects the background layer would contain.

EventSystem 还可以进行定制以提高性能:

英:The EventSystem can also be customised to be more performant:

const app = new PIXI.Application({
* by default we use `auto` for backwards compatibility.
* However `passive` is more performant and will be used by default in the future,
eventMode: 'passive',
eventFeatures: {
move: true,
/** disables the global move events which can be very expensive in large scenes */
globalMove: false,
click: true,
wheel: true,