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import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ backgroundAlpha: 0, resizeTo: window });


// Create play button that can be used to trigger the video
const button = new PIXI.Graphics()
.beginFill(0x0, 0.5)
.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 100, 100, 10)
.moveTo(36, 30)
.lineTo(36, 70)
.lineTo(70, 50);

// Position the button
button.x = (app.screen.width - button.width) / 2;
button.y = (app.screen.height - button.height) / 2;

// Enable interactivity on the button
button.eventMode = 'static';
button.cursor = 'pointer';

// Add to the stage

// Listen for a click/tap event to start playing the video
// this is useful for some mobile platforms. For example:
// ios9 and under cannot render videos in PIXI without a
// polyfill -
// ios10 and above require a click/tap event to render videos
// that contain audio in PIXI. Videos with no audio track do
// not have this requirement
button.on('pointertap', onPlayVideo);

function onPlayVideo()
// Don't need the button anymore

// create a video texture from a path
const texture = PIXI.Texture.from('');

// create a new Sprite using the video texture (yes it's that easy)
const videoSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);

// Stetch the fullscreen
videoSprite.width = app.screen.width;
videoSprite.height = app.screen.height;
