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Collision Detection

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

// Based somewhat on this article by Spicy Yoghurt
// URL for further reading:
const app = new PIXI.Application({ background: '#111', resizeTo: window });


// Options for how objects interact
// How fast the red square moves
const movementSpeed = 0.05;

// Strength of the impulse push between two objects
const impulsePower = 5;

// Test For Hit
// A basic AABB check between two different squares
function testForAABB(object1, object2)
const bounds1 = object1.getBounds();
const bounds2 = object2.getBounds();

return bounds1.x < bounds2.x + bounds2.width
&& bounds1.x + bounds1.width > bounds2.x
&& bounds1.y < bounds2.y + bounds2.height
&& bounds1.y + bounds1.height > bounds2.y;

// Calculates the results of a collision, allowing us to give an impulse that
// shoves objects apart
function collisionResponse(object1, object2)
if (!object1 || !object2)
return new PIXI.Point(0);

const vCollision = new PIXI.Point(
object2.x - object1.x,
object2.y - object1.y,

const distance = Math.sqrt(
(object2.x - object1.x) * (object2.x - object1.x)
+ (object2.y - object1.y) * (object2.y - object1.y),

const vCollisionNorm = new PIXI.Point(
vCollision.x / distance,
vCollision.y / distance,

const vRelativeVelocity = new PIXI.Point(
object1.acceleration.x - object2.acceleration.x,
object1.acceleration.y - object2.acceleration.y,

const speed = vRelativeVelocity.x * vCollisionNorm.x
+ vRelativeVelocity.y * vCollisionNorm.y;

const impulse = impulsePower * speed / (object1.mass + object2.mass);

return new PIXI.Point(
impulse * vCollisionNorm.x,
impulse * vCollisionNorm.y,

// Calculate the distance between two given points
function distanceBetweenTwoPoints(p1, p2)
const a = p1.x - p2.x;
const b = p1.y - p2.y;

return Math.hypot(a, b);

// The green square we will knock about
const greenSquare = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE);

greenSquare.position.set((app.screen.width - 100) / 2, (app.screen.height - 100) / 2);
greenSquare.width = 100;
greenSquare.height = 100;
greenSquare.tint = 0x00FF00;
greenSquare.acceleration = new PIXI.Point(0);
greenSquare.mass = 3;

// The square you move around
const redSquare = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE);

redSquare.position.set(0, 0);
redSquare.width = 100;
redSquare.height = 100;
redSquare.tint = 0xFF0000;
redSquare.acceleration = new PIXI.Point(0);
redSquare.mass = 1;

const mouseCoords = { x: 0, y: 0 };

app.stage.eventMode = 'static';
app.stage.hitArea = app.screen;
app.stage.on('mousemove', (event) =>
mouseCoords.x =;
mouseCoords.y =;

// Listen for animate update
app.ticker.add((delta) =>
// Applied deacceleration for both squares, done by reducing the
// acceleration by 0.01% of the acceleration every loop
redSquare.acceleration.set(redSquare.acceleration.x * 0.99, redSquare.acceleration.y * 0.99);
greenSquare.acceleration.set(greenSquare.acceleration.x * 0.99, greenSquare.acceleration.y * 0.99);

// Check whether the green square ever moves off the screen
// If so, reverse acceleration in that direction
if (greenSquare.x < 0 || greenSquare.x > (app.screen.width - 100))
greenSquare.acceleration.x = -greenSquare.acceleration.x;

if (greenSquare.y < 0 || greenSquare.y > (app.screen.height - 100))
greenSquare.acceleration.y = -greenSquare.acceleration.y;

// If the green square pops out of the cordon, it pops back into the
// middle
if ((greenSquare.x < -30 || greenSquare.x > (app.screen.width + 30))
|| greenSquare.y < -30 || greenSquare.y > (app.screen.height + 30))
greenSquare.position.set((app.screen.width - 100) / 2, (app.screen.height - 100) / 2);

// If the mouse is off screen, then don't update any further
if (app.screen.width > mouseCoords.x || mouseCoords.x > 0
|| app.screen.height > mouseCoords.y || mouseCoords.y > 0)
// Get the red square's center point
const redSquareCenterPosition = new PIXI.Point(
redSquare.x + (redSquare.width * 0.5),
redSquare.y + (redSquare.height * 0.5),

// Calculate the direction vector between the mouse pointer and
// the red square
const toMouseDirection = new PIXI.Point(
mouseCoords.x - redSquareCenterPosition.x,
mouseCoords.y - redSquareCenterPosition.y,

// Use the above to figure out the angle that direction has
const angleToMouse = Math.atan2(

// Figure out the speed the square should be travelling by, as a
// function of how far away from the mouse pointer the red square is
const distMouseRedSquare = distanceBetweenTwoPoints(
const redSpeed = distMouseRedSquare * movementSpeed;

// Calculate the acceleration of the red square
Math.cos(angleToMouse) * redSpeed,
Math.sin(angleToMouse) * redSpeed,

// If the two squares are colliding
if (testForAABB(greenSquare, redSquare))
// Calculate the changes in acceleration that should be made between
// each square as a result of the collision
const collisionPush = collisionResponse(greenSquare, redSquare);
// Set the changes in acceleration for both squares

(collisionPush.x * greenSquare.mass),
(collisionPush.y * greenSquare.mass),
-(collisionPush.x * redSquare.mass),
-(collisionPush.y * redSquare.mass),

greenSquare.x += greenSquare.acceleration.x * delta;
greenSquare.y += greenSquare.acceleration.y * delta;

redSquare.x += redSquare.acceleration.x * delta;
redSquare.y += redSquare.acceleration.y * delta;

// Add to stage
app.stage.addChild(redSquare, greenSquare);