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Star Warp

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ resizeTo: window });


// Get the texture for star.
const starTexture = PIXI.Texture.from('');

const starAmount = 1000;
let cameraZ = 0;
const fov = 20;
const baseSpeed = 0.025;
let speed = 0;
let warpSpeed = 0;
const starStretch = 5;
const starBaseSize = 0.05;

// Create the stars
const stars = [];

for (let i = 0; i < starAmount; i++)
const star = {
sprite: new PIXI.Sprite(starTexture),
z: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,

star.sprite.anchor.x = 0.5;
star.sprite.anchor.y = 0.7;
randomizeStar(star, true);

function randomizeStar(star, initial)
star.z = initial ? Math.random() * 2000 : cameraZ + Math.random() * 1000 + 2000;

// Calculate star positions with radial random coordinate so no star hits the camera.
const deg = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
const distance = Math.random() * 50 + 1;

star.x = Math.cos(deg) * distance;
star.y = Math.sin(deg) * distance;

// Change flight speed every 5 seconds
setInterval(() =>
warpSpeed = warpSpeed > 0 ? 0 : 1;
}, 5000);

// Listen for animate update
app.ticker.add((delta) =>
// Simple easing. This should be changed to proper easing function when used for real.
speed += (warpSpeed - speed) / 20;
cameraZ += delta * 10 * (speed + baseSpeed);
for (let i = 0; i < starAmount; i++)
const star = stars[i];

if (star.z < cameraZ) randomizeStar(star);

// Map star 3d position to 2d with really simple projection
const z = star.z - cameraZ;

star.sprite.x = star.x * (fov / z) * app.renderer.screen.width + app.renderer.screen.width / 2;
star.sprite.y = star.y * (fov / z) * app.renderer.screen.width + app.renderer.screen.height / 2;

// Calculate star scale & rotation.
const dxCenter = star.sprite.x - app.renderer.screen.width / 2;
const dyCenter = star.sprite.y - app.renderer.screen.height / 2;
const distanceCenter = Math.sqrt(dxCenter * dxCenter + dyCenter * dyCenter);
const distanceScale = Math.max(0, (2000 - z) / 2000);

star.sprite.scale.x = distanceScale * starBaseSize;
// Star is looking towards center so that y axis is towards center.
// Scale the star depending on how fast we are moving, what the stretchfactor is
// and depending on how far away it is from the center.
star.sprite.scale.y = distanceScale * starBaseSize
+ distanceScale * speed * starStretch * distanceCenter / app.renderer.screen.width;
star.sprite.rotation = Math.atan2(dyCenter, dxCenter) + Math.PI / 2;