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Mouse Trail

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

const app = new PIXI.Application({ background: '#1099bb', resizeTo: window });


// Get the texture for rope.
const trailTexture = PIXI.Texture.from('');
const historyX = [];
const historyY = [];
// historySize determines how long the trail will be.
const historySize = 20;
// ropeSize determines how smooth the trail will be.
const ropeSize = 100;
const points = [];

// Create history array.
for (let i = 0; i < historySize; i++)
// Create rope points.
for (let i = 0; i < ropeSize; i++)
points.push(new PIXI.Point(0, 0));

// Create the rope
const rope = new PIXI.SimpleRope(trailTexture, points);

// Set the blendmode
rope.blendmode = PIXI.BLEND_MODES.ADD;


let mouseposition = null;

app.stage.eventMode = 'static';
app.stage.hitArea = app.screen;
app.stage.on('mousemove', (event) =>
mouseposition = mouseposition || { x: 0, y: 0 };
mouseposition.x =;
mouseposition.y =;

// Listen for animate update
app.ticker.add(() =>
if (!mouseposition) return;

// Update the mouse values to history
// Update the points to correspond with history.
for (let i = 0; i < ropeSize; i++)
const p = points[i];

// Smooth the curve with cubic interpolation to prevent sharp edges.
const ix = cubicInterpolation(historyX, i / ropeSize * historySize);
const iy = cubicInterpolation(historyY, i / ropeSize * historySize);

p.x = ix;
p.y = iy;

* Cubic interpolation based on
function clipInput(k, arr)
if (k < 0) k = 0;
if (k > arr.length - 1) k = arr.length - 1;

return arr[k];

function getTangent(k, factor, array)
return factor * (clipInput(k + 1, array) - clipInput(k - 1, array)) / 2;

function cubicInterpolation(array, t, tangentFactor)
if (tangentFactor === null) tangentFactor = 1;

const k = Math.floor(t);
const m = [getTangent(k, tangentFactor, array), getTangent(k + 1, tangentFactor, array)];
const p = [clipInput(k, array), clipInput(k + 1, array)];

t -= k;
const t2 = t * t;
const t3 = t * t2;

return (2 * t3 - 3 * t2 + 1) * p[0] + (t3 - 2 * t2 + t) * m[0] + (-2 * t3 + 3 * t2) * p[1] + (t3 - t2) * m[1];